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EasyConfig usage

EasyConfig YAML format

YAML is a human readable format that uses white space indentation to represent levels and rows to represent list and dictionary items. See

Full EasyConfig YAML template

full easyconfig template
  - type: activation
    enabled: True # optional, default is True
    quantization: # optional
      method: SymmericQuantization
      dynamic_range: auto
      layerwise: True
      bit_width: 16
    selector: # optional. If not specified, all value will be selected
      method: RandomPositionByRate
      poisson: True # optional because it's a optional argument of method RandomPositionByRate
      rate: 1e-3
      method: IntSignBitFlip
      bit_width: 16

    module_name: conv # Match layers that contain these name
    module_type: [Conv2d, Linear] # Or match layers contain these typename
    module_fullname: [fc1, fc2, layer1.0.conv1] # Or do exact match

  - type: weight
    weight: [weight, bias] # optional, default is "weight"

      method: SetValue
      value: 0
    module_name: conv

  - method: MinMax
    position: pre  # optional, default is "after"
    module_name: fc 

An easyconfg YAML file has 4 levels:

1 The first level begin with `faultinject:` or `observe:`.
  2 List of injectors and observers definition, each block begin with `-`.
    3 Properties of fault injectors and observers, and execution modules(quantization, selector, error_mode).    
      4 Properties and parameters of execution modules.

Injector properties

Each fault injector definition(level 3) can have following properties:

name value description
type one of "activation_in","activation_out" or "weight" Which place will the fault injection to be performed. Set activation stands for activation_in.
enabled optional, default is True Enable this fault injection by default.
quantization Dictof properties Optional. If not specified, Will not make quantization.
selector Dictof properties Optional. If not specified, all tensor values will be selected, which may be slow for large tensors.
error_mode Dictof properties
module_name str or list[str] Match layer or module by name. For example, layer "block1.conv1" will be matched by str "conv".
module_type str or list[str] Match layer or module by name. For example, layer with typename "Conv2d" will be matched by str "Conv".
module_fullname str or list[str] Select layer or module by full name. Layer "block1.conv1" won't be matched by str "conv1", only full name work.
weight optional, str or list[str], default is "weight" When fault injection on weight, specify which weight name will be selected to inject.

Injector execution module properties

Each execution module properties(level 4) have "method" field. Other parameter fields are corresponding to each method. For example, RandomPositionByRate is a selecter function defined in mrfi.selector, whose signature is RandomPositionByRate(shape, rate=0.0001, poisson=True). We can set rate: 1e-3 here in easyconfig. The optional argument can be emitted and use the default value in function definition.

Special: "layerwise" is optional field in quantization indicate MRFI to quantize the full tensor, default is True. If set to False, only the positions selected by selector will be quantized.

Observer properties

Each observer definition(level 3) has "method", "position" field.

"position" is a optional field that can be one of pre or after. This indicates whether MRFI observes values from the input or output of the layer. Default is after.

The "module_name", "module_type", "module_fullname" field have the same meaning as injector properties.

Python Class EasyConfig

Class EasyConfig is an editable dict-like object in Python. That means you can modify it before give it to MRFI for expanding.

The following code modify a default EasyConfig without change a YAML file.

econfig = EasyConfig.load_file('easyconfigs/default_fi.yaml')

# Set error_mode method to 'IntRandomBitFlip'.
econfig.faultinject[0]['error_mode']['method'] = 'IntRandomBitFlip'
# 'set_error_mode()' can do the same thing
econfig.set_error_mode(0, {'method':'IntRandomBitFlip'}, True)

# Set layer and moudle to be matched
econfig.faultinject[0]['module_type'] = ['BatchNorm', 'Linear']
# 'set_module_used()' can do the same thing
econfig.set_module_used(0, module_type = ['BatchNorm', 'Linear'])

# Finally load it
fi_model = MRFI(Model(trained=True), econfig)

Method of EasyConfig:



Name Type Description Default
config Optional[dict]

if dict, load the dict config.

if None, make a empty EasyConfig.


faultinject = config.get('faultinject', []) instance-attribute

observe = config.get('observe', []) instance-attribute


load_file(filename) classmethod

load_string(string) classmethod

load_preset(name) classmethod

set_quantization(idx, content_dict, update_only=False)

set_selector(idx, content_dict, update_only=False)

set_error_mode(idx, content_dict, update_only=False)

set_module_used(idx, module_type=None, module_name=None, module_fullname=None)