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MRFI function table


Name Description Args
logspace_density Similar as np.logspace but the datapoint always contains 10^{-n} low,high,density,return
Acc_experiment Return classification accuracy on dataset. model,dataloader,return
observeFI_experiment Run fault inject experiment and return internal oberver results. fi_model,input_data,use_golden,observers_dict,return
BER_Acc_experiment Conduct a series of experimet under different bit error rate and get accuracy. fi_model,fi_selectors,dataloader,BER_range,bit_width,return
BER_observe_experiment Conduct a series of experimet under different bit error rate and get all observers result. fi_model,fi_selectors,dataloader,BER_range,bit_width,use_golden,return
Acc_golden Evaluate model accuracy without error injection. fi_model,dataloader,disable_quantization,return
observeFI_experiment_plus Run fault injection experiment and observe its internal effect. fi_model,input_data,method,pre_hook,kwargs,return
get_activation_info Observe model activations without fault injection. fi_model,input_data,method,pre_hook,kwargs,return
get_weight_info Observe model weights. model,method,weight_name,kwargs,return


Name Description Args
BaseObserver Basement of observers.
MinMax 🔍 Observe min/max range of tensors.
RMSE 🛠️ Root Mean Square Error metric between golden run and fault inject run.
SaveLast 🔍 Simply save last inference internal tensor.
MaxAbs 🔍 Observe max abs range of tensors.
MeanAbs 🔍 Mean of abs, a metric of scale of values
Std 🔍 Standard deviation of zero-mean values.
Shape 🔍 Simply record tensor shape of last inference
MAE 🛠️ Mean Absolute Error between golden run and fault inject run.
EqualRate 🛠️ Compare how many value unchanged between golden run and fault inject run.
UniformSampling 🔍 Uniform sampling from tensors between all inference, up to 10000 samples.


Name Description Args
EmptySelector No position selected by this, for debug or special use.
FixPosition Select fixed one position by coordinate. position
FixPositions Select a list of fixed positions by coordinate. positions
RandomPositionByNumber Select n random positions. n,per_instance
RandomPositionByRate Select random positions by rate. rate,poisson
RandomPositionByRate_classic Select random positions by rate. rate
MaskedDimRandomPositionByNumber Select n positions after specifed dimensions are masked. n,kwargs
SelectedDimRandomPositionByNumber Select n positions on selected coordinate. n,kwargs
MaskedDimRandomPositionByRate Select by rate where some coordinate are masked. rate,poisson,kwargs
SelectedDimRandomPositionByRate Select on some coordinate by rate. rate,poisson,kwargs
FixedPixelByNumber Select random channel on one fixed pixel (i.e. H * W dimension). n,pixel,per_instance


Name Description Args
IntSignBitFlip Flip integer tensor on sign bit x_in,bit_width
IntRandomBitFlip Flip integer tensor on random bit x_in,bit_width
IntFixedBitFlip Flip integer tensor on specified bit x_in,bit_width,bit
SetZero Fault inject selected value to zero x
SetValue Fault inject value to specified value(s) x,value
FloatRandomBitFlip Flip bit randomly on float values x_in,floattype
FloatFixedBitFlip Flip specific bit on float values x_in,bit,floattype
IntRandom Uniformly set to random integer in range. low,high
IntRandomBit Set fault value to a random bit_width-bit integer. bit_width,signed
UniformRandom Uniform set to float number in range. low,high
NormalRandom Set fault injection value to a normal distribution. mean,std
UniformDisturb Add uniform distribution noise to current value. low,high
NormalDisturb Add normal distribution noise to current value. std,bias


Name Description Args
SymmericQuantization Simple symmeric quantization. dynamic_range,scale_factor
PositiveQuantization Simple positive quantization. dynamic_range,scale_factor
FixPointQuantization Fixpoint quantization. decimal_bit